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Suche in Namensräumen:

  • Android Training/Building Your First App/en (Kategorie Android Training)
    and run a debuggable version of the app. You'll also learn some fundamentals of Android app design, including how to build a simple user interface and handle…
    1 KB (176 Wörter) - 04:43, 18. Dez. 2015
  • directory, open strings.xml. Add a line for a string named "edit_message" with the value, "Enter a message". Add a line for a string named "button_send" with…
    14 KB (1.783 Wörter) - 19:23, 18. Dez. 2015
  • Android Training/en (Kategorie Android Training)
    ‎English Welcome to Training for Android developers. Here you'll find sets of lessons within classes that describe how to accomplish a specific task with…
    889 Bytes (140 Wörter) - 04:42, 18. Dez. 2015
Android Training/Building Your First App/en
Welcome to Android application development! This class teaches you how to build your first Android app. You’ll learn how to create an Android project and run a debuggable version of the app. You'll also learn some fundamentals of Android app design, including how to build a simple user interface and handle user input.