Benutzer:CBiX/Android Training Deutsch

About the project Bearbeiten

Hello and welcome to the DroidWiki project Translate Android Training into german. Here we want, like the name of the project says, to translate the official Android Training for developing apps into german. Our aim it is to provide a german book for beginning Android App developers. With this book you will have the possibility to create your own apps without paying much money for a common book or using english resources.

The Project can be a documentation for all who created or create apps with the english Training and want to have a german documentation to find the information looking for easier.

You can translate english textes and write them down with a correct english? Then help us and take a look at our finished translations in the next points. Thanks for your help and have much FUN with our Team!

Über das Buch Bearbeiten

Benötigt werden:

  • Linux, Windows oder Mac OS X
  • Android SDK
  • Programmierkenntnisse in Java, XML sowie der grundlegende Umgang mit der Kommandozeile (Shell)

Ist das überhaupt legal? Bearbeiten

Das ist natürlich eine berechtigte Frage, da solche Texte im Original meist urheberrechtlich geschützt sind. Google hat sich bei dem Android Training jedoch dafür entschieden, den Text sowie die Bilder unter der Creative Commons Namensnennungs-Lizenz 2.5 zu veröffentlichen, was jedem ohne explizite Genehmigung erlaubt, diesen weiterzuverbreiten und zu verändern, was auch Übersetzungen einschließt. Dabei muss beachtet werden, dass bei der Verbreitung ein Vermerk auf den ursprünglichen Autor des Werks erhalten bleibt. Weitere Informationen.

Um uns Autoren die geforderte Namensnennung (engl. Attribution) etwas zu vereinfachen, kann einfach eine entsprechende Vorlage am Ende der Seite eingebunden werden:

{{Android Training/Attribution}}

...welche den folgenden Text erzeugt:

Notizen Bearbeiten

  • englisches Original, kann auch lokal gelesen werden, indem man sich die neuesten docs im Android SDK package manager herunterlädt und die training/index.html im Browser öffnet :)
  • Original ist CC-BY 2.5 lizenziert, wird die deutsche Version auch :)
  • Sideboxen, Note-Blöcke etc. übernehmen (MW-Templates!)
  • evtl. ist es hilfreich, erst das original komplett, inkl. Templates etc. zu übertragen und dann zu übersetzen (?)
  • erstmal nur den Get Started-Teil übersetzen :D
  • evtl. als Wikibook (wobei es da schon eins gibt ...^^)

Inhalt (englisch) Bearbeiten

  1. Get Started
    1. Building Your First App
      1. Creating an Android Project
      2. Running Your Application
      3. Building a Simple User Interface
      4. Starting Another Activity
    2. Managing the Activity Lifecycle
      1. Starting an Activity
      2. Pausing and Resuming an Activity
      3. Stopping and Restarting an Activity
      4. Recreating an Activity
    3. Supporting Different Devices
      1. Supporting Different Languages
      2. Supporting Different Screens
      3. Supporting Different Platform Versions
    4. Building a Dynamic UI with Fragments
      1. Using the Android Support Library
      2. Creating a Fragment
      3. Building a Flexible UI
      4. Communicating with Other Fragments
    5. Interacting with Other Apps
      1. Sending the User to Another App
      2. Getting a Result from an Activity
      3. Allowing Other Apps to Start Your Activity
  2. Advanced Training
    1. Making Your App Location Aware
    2. Performing Network Operations
    3. Transferring Data Without Draining the Battery
    4. Syncing to the Cloud
    5. Designing for Multiple Screens
    6. Improving Layout Performance
    7. Managing Audio Playback
    8. ...

Inhalt (deutsch) Bearbeiten

<translate> Building your first app</translate>

After you've installed the Android SDK, start with this class to learn the basics about Android app development.

Creating an Android Project
Running Your Application
Building a Simple User Interface
Starting Another Activity

<translate> Supporting different devices</translate>

How to build your app with alternative resources that provide an optimized user experience on multiple device form factors using a single APK.

Supporting Different Languages
Supporting Different Screens
Supporting Different Platform Versions

<translate> Managing the Activity Lifecycle</translate>

How Android activities live and die and how to create a seamless user experience by implementing lifecycle callback methods.

Starting an Activity
Pausing and Resuming an Activity
Stopping and Restarting an Activity
Recreating an Activity

<translate> Building a Dynamic UI with Fragments</translate>

How to build a user interface for your app that is flexible enough to present multiple UI components on large screens and a more constrained set of UI components on smaller screens—essential for building a single APK for both phones and tablets.

Creating a Fragment
Building a Flexible UI
Communicating with Other Fragments

<translate> Saving Data</translate>

How to save data on the device, whether it's temporary files, downloaded app assets, user media, structured data, or something else.

Saving Key-Value Sets
Saving Files
Saving Data in SQL Databases

<translate> Interacting with Other Apps</translate>

How to build a user experience that leverages other apps available on the device to perform advanced user tasks, such as capture a photo or view an address on a map.

Sending the User to Another App
Getting a Result from the Activity
Allowing Other Apps to Start Your Activity

<translate> Working with System Permissions</translate>

How to declare that your app needs access to features and resources outside of its 'sandbox', and how to request those privileges at runtime.

Declaring Permissions
Requesting Permissions at Run Time
Best Practices for Runtime Permissions