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Diese Seite basiert in ihrer ersten oder einer späteren Version auf dem Artikel „en:Module:Citation/CS1/Suggestions“ aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz für freie Dokumentation (inoffizielle Übersetzung aus dem Englischen). In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Versionen und Autoren verfügbar.

Skriptfehler: Interner Lua-Fehler: Der Interpreter beendet sich mit dem Status 127.

--Please insert new suggestions in alphabetical order
--The form is ['incorrect'] = 'correct',

suggestions = {
--	['acccessdate'] = 'access-date',
--	['accesdate'] = 'access-date',
--	['access date'] = 'access-date',
--	['accessate'] = 'access-date',
--	['accessdare'] = 'access-date',
--	['accessdatte'] = 'access-date',
--	['accessddate'] = 'access-date',
--	['accessdte'] = 'access-date',
--	['accessed'] = 'access-date',
--	['accessedate'] = 'access-date',
--	['accesssdate'] = 'access-date',
--	['accssdate'] = 'access-date',
--	['acessdate'] = 'access-date',
	['accessmonth'] = 'access-date', -- (no longer supported by us, but still by citation templates mirrored in foreign WPs; can be emulated using 'access-date')
	['accessyear'] = 'access-date', -- (no longer supported by us, but still by citation templates mirrored in foreign WPs; can be emulated using 'access-date')
	['address'] = 'location',
	['année'] = 'year', -- French
	['año'] = 'year',
	['año-original'] = 'orig-year',
	['añoacceso'] = 'access-date', -- Spanish, Italian
	['apellido'] = 'last', -- Spanish, Italian
	['archiv-datum'] = 'archive-date', -- German
	['archive date'] = 'archive-date',
	['archiv-url'] = 'archive-url', -- German
	['archive url'] = 'archive-url', -- Spanish, Italian
	['artist'] = 'others',
	['auflage'] = 'edition', -- German
	['auteur'] = 'author', -- French
	['auther'] = 'author',
--	['authorformat'] = 'name-list-format', -- remove after 2016-01-01
--	['author-format'] = 'name-list-format', -- remove after 2016-01-01
	['author link'] = 'author-link', -- Polish
	['author link2'] = 'author2-link', -- Polish
--	['autor'] = 'author', -- Spanish, Italian, Polish
	['autor'] = 'authors', -- German (singular and plural)
--	['autor2'] = 'author2', -- Spanish, Italian, Polish
--	['autor3'] = 'author3', -- Polish
	['autthor'] = 'author',
	['band'] = 'volume', -- German
--	['began'] = 'date', -- remove after 2016-01-01
	['chapter_title'] = 'chapter',
	['cita'] = 'quote', -- Spanish, Italian
	['coautores'] = 'coauthors', -- Spanish, Italian
	['consulté le'] = 'access-date', -- French
	['czasopismo'] = 'journal', -- Polish
	['data'] = 'date', -- Polish
	['data dostępu'] = 'access-date', -- Polish
	['datum'] = 'date', -- German
	['deadlink'] = 'dead-url',
	['distributor'] = 'publisher',
	['dnb'] = 'id', -- German (as 'id={{DNB-IDN|...}}') (not yet supported by us directly)
	['éditeur'] = 'editor', -- French
	['editon'] = 'edition',
	['editoin'] = 'edition',
--	['editorformat'] = 'name-list-format', -- remove after 2016-01-01
--	['editor-format'] = 'name-list-format', -- remove after 2016-01-01
--	['editorgiven'] = 'editor-given', -- remove after 2016-01-01
	['editorial'] = 'publisher',
--	['editorsurname'] = 'editor-surname', -- remove after 2016-01-01
	['en ligne le'] = 'archive-date', -- French
	['encyclopædia'] = 'encyclopedia',
--	['ended'] = 'date', -- remove after 2016-01-01
	['enlaceautor'] = 'author-link', -- Spanish, Italian
	['fecha'] = 'date', -- Spanish, Italian
	['fechaacceso'] = 'access-date', -- Spanish, Italian
	['fechaarchivo'] = 'archive-date', -- Spanish, Italian
	['filetype'] = 'format',
	['first 1'] = 'first1',
	['foramt'] = 'format',
	['formato'] = 'format', -- Spanish, Italian, Polish
	['frist'] = 'first',
	['herausgeber'] = 'editors', -- German (singular and plural)
	['idioma'] = 'language', -- Spanish, Italian
	['imię'] = 'first', -- Polish
	['isbnistformalfalsch'] = 'ignore-isbn-error', -- German
	['isnb'] = 'isbn',
	['jahr'] = 'year', -- German
	['kapitel'] = 'chapter', -- German
--	['kommentar'] = 'comment', -- German (not yet supported by us)
	['lang'] = 'language',
	['langauge'] = 'language',
	['langue'] = 'language', -- French
	['last 1'] = 'last1',
	['lieu'] = 'location', -- French
	['lire en ligne'] = 'url', -- French
	['lizenznummer'] = 'id', -- German (as 'id=License ...')
	['loaction'] = 'location',
	['locatoin'] = 'location',
	['lugar'] = 'location', -- Spanish
	['miejsce'] = 'location', -- Polish
	['miesiąc'] = 'date', -- Polish
	['mois'] = 'date', -- French
	['monat'] = 'date', -- German
--	['name'] = 'author', -- 'name' is often erroneously used for 'title' and 'work' as well, so no suggestion is better than a wrong suggestion
	['nazwisko'] = 'last', -- Polish
	['nespaper'] = 'newspaper',
	['newpaper'] = 'newspaper',
	['news'] = 'newspaper',
	['nom'] = 'last', -- French
	['nom1'] = 'last1', -- French
	['nombre'] = 'first', -- Spanish, Italian
	['nummer'] = 'number', -- German
	['obra'] = 'work', -- Spanish, Italian
	['odpowiedzialność'] = 'agency', -- Polish
	['offline'] = 'dead-url', -- German
	['online'] = 'url', -- German (not a direct replacement, but can be emulated)
	['opublikowany'] = 'agency', -- Polish
	['origdate'] = 'orig-year',
	['originaljahr'] = 'orig-year', -- German
	['originalort'] = 'location', -- German (if 'ort' is specified at the same time, the latter should be put in 'publication-place')
	['originalsprache'] = 'language', -- German
	['originaltitel'] = 'title', -- German (if 'originaltitel' is specified, any possible contents of 'title' should be put in 'trans-title')
	['ort'] = 'location', -- German
	['other'] = 'others',
	['oznaczenie'] = 'agency', -- Polish
	['pagees'] = 'pages',
	['página'] = 'page', -- Spanish, Italian
	['páginas'] = 'pages', -- Spanish, Italian
	['passage'] = 'pages', -- French
	['périodique'] = 'publisher', -- French
	['plublisher'] = 'publisher',
	['pmcid'] = 'pmc',
	['praca'] = 'work', -- Polish
	['prénom'] = 'first', -- French
	['prénom1'] = 'first1', -- French
	['ps'] = 'postscript',
	['pub'] = 'publisher',
--	['pubisher'] = 'publisher',
--	['publiser'] = 'publisher',
--	['publishers'] = 'publisher',
--	['publsher'] = 'publisher',
--	['publsiher'] = 'publisher',
	['pulbication-place'] = 'publication-place',
--	['pulbisher'] = 'publisher',
--	['pulisher'] = 'publisher',
	['reihe'] = 'series', -- German
	['retrieved'] = 'access-date',
	['rok'] = 'date', -- Polish
	['sammelwerk'] = 'work', -- German
	['seiten'] = 'pages', -- German
--	['separator'] = 'mode', -- remove after 2016-01-01
	['seria'] = 'series', -- Polish
	['série'] = 'work', -- French *RECHECK*
	['service'] = 'agency',
	['sitioweb'] = 'website', --Spanish
	['stron'] = 'page', -- Polish
	['strony'] = 'pages', -- Polish
	['spalten'] = 'at', -- German (not a direct replacement, but can be emulated)
	['sprache'] = 'language', -- German
	['suscripción'] = 'subscription', -- Spanish, Italian, Polish
	['tag'] = 'date', -- German
	['tile'] = 'title',
	['tite'] = 'title',
	['titel'] = 'title', -- German
	['titel-p'] = 'title', -- German ('postscript=none' should be added as well)
	['titelerg'] = 'contribution', -- German (not a direct replacement, but can be emulated)
	['titolo'] = 'title', -- Spanish, Italian
	['titre'] = 'title', -- French
	['títle'] = 'title',
	['título'] = 'title', -- Spanish, Italian
	['transchapter'] = 'trans-chapter',
	['translator'] = 'others',
	['transtitle'] = 'trans-title',
	['typ'] = 'author-mask', -- German (not a direct replacement, but the only valid argument 'typ=wl' can be emulated using 'author-mask')
	['tytuł'] = 'title', -- Polish
	['ubicación'] = 'location', -- Spanish, Italian
	['urlarchivo'] = 'archive-url', -- Spanish, Italian
	['urn'] = 'id', -- German (as 'id={{URN|...}}') (not yet supported by us directly)
	['übersetzer'] = 'translator', -- German (singular and plural)
	['verlag'] = 'publisher', -- German
	['vol'] = 'volume', 
	['volumen'] = 'volume', -- Spanish
	['werk'] = 'work', -- German
	['werkerg'] = 'contribution', -- German (not a direct replacement, but can be emulated)
	['wolumin'] = 'volume', -- Polish
	['wydanie'] = 'number', -- Polish
	['wydawca'] = 'publisher', -- French
	['zaprezentowany'] = 'publisher', -- French
	['zdb'] = 'id', -- German (as 'id={{ZDB|...}}') (not yet supported by us directly)
	['zitat'] = 'quote', -- German
	['zugriff'] = 'access-date', -- German

--[[--------------------------< P A T T E R N S >--------------------------------------------------------------

Here we use Lua patterns to make suggestions.  The form is ['pattern'] = 'correct',

Lua patterns are not regex though they are similar.  The escape character is '%', not '\'.  For more information about
lua patterns, see: Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual#Patterns

Patterns should probably always include the '^' and '$' anchor assertions to prevent a partial match from incorrectly
suggesting the wrong parameter name.  For instance, the pattern 'a[utho]+r' matches 'author' in the no-longer-supported
parameter |author-separator= so the code suggests '|author='; the same pattern also matches the no-longer-supported
parameter |separator= (returning 'ator') so again, the code suggests '|author='.

One capture is supported, typically the enumerator from an enumerated parameter (the '6' in |author6=, etc.)  The value from the
capture replaces $1 in the 'correct' value.


local patterns = {
	['^ac+es+ ?d?a?t?e?$'] = 'access-date',
	['^a[utho]+r$'] = 'author',
	['^a[utho]+r(%d+)$'] = 'author$1', -- enumerated
	['^pu[blish]+ers?$'] = 'publisher',

return {suggestions = suggestions, patterns=patterns};
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